Manic Pixie by IIIZ - A Must Add To Your Playlist
IIIZ! Courtesy Photo
Located in Palm Desert, California IIIZ (pronounced 'eyes') is a very eclectic band to say the least, who just released their single Manic Panic.
Their sound is very retro and 80s inspired with a touch of David Bowie, IIIZ is definitely fits the bill the perfect addition to your summertime playlist.
Check out their latest single, "Manic Pixie". Courtesy Photo
Their self titled album encompasses many varieties of music. As it was produced by Ronnie King, Ditch, and Alvin Taylor, all of whom have a remarkable list of talent they have worked with.
The album kicks off with "Get Away" which features Sen Dog of Cyprus Hill. Right off the bat the opening of the song is filled with beats that seem simple however, it gets better. Switching from rap portions and mundane lyrics Sen. Dog delivers and in a sense carries this song.
"The Light", boasts the energy of Odezza. Its uplifting and has great drops which only adds to the variety of depth and sound they deliver. Another great single,"Sugar", is a little light hearted. The raspiness of the lead singer and the simplicity of the song make this one a favorite for me.
"Manic Pixie", their latest single, is entirely creative. High pitches and sharp beats, with a heavy bass is what makes this single and it is what brings the album full circle.
Courtesy Photo
IIIZ is a mix of a few favorites for me. I hear undertones of Odezza as well as lyrical numbers with hints of Vance Joy. IIIZ will be touring all over the US as well as Canada.
While the first half of the album is very eclectic and upbeat the latter half of the album seems the complete opposite. This year will prove to be a very good year for the band. Their innovative take on music is sure to please. Don't be surprised if you even saw them at a Golden Voice production this summer.