Monogem Recently Released Her Latest EP, 100! Courtesy Photo
Living in the sunny palm tree lined city of Los Angeles, Jen Hirsch may just be the ‘same as she ever was,’ however music listenerswill quickly realize that ‘life's too short to not live wild!’ In between the chuckles shared learning about her Hollywood Bowl themed bar mitzvah and her pup vocalizing his presence we had a chance to discuss her recently released EP, 100, and it’s giving us all the feels!
Known musically as Monogem, due to its powerful supernova stature the ‘jazz singer’ at heart shows a more vulnerable and emotional side with her second EP.
The EP is brilliantly lined with not only girl power anthems, which are perfect for the summer, but it engages other unseen attributes that makes it hard not to pay attention. “With an EP you’re putting all of your energy on display to be judged by the world,” states Monogem. “I’m truly excited for people to hear. ‘Realize,’ ‘I Am,’ and ‘Talk,’ are my favorites and no one has heard them yet. It’s a deeper look into who I am as an artist and it’s more of a departure.”
Although the opening track on the EP, ‘Realize,’ has minimal lyrics, it makes up for it with the beautiful melodic journey that you experience while listening to it. Monogem gives thanks to being inspired after seeing the talented Bon Iver on stage at her favorite venue, the Hollywood Bowl. “I took so much away from that show, but the biggest thing I took away is he is not afraid to write a beautiful heart wrenching song. Every song brought me to tears,” explains Monogem. “I remember a period of my life when I would sing music like that. I remember people being moved to tears during my show and it’s a feeling that I miss. I just wanted to write a song that makes me want to cry.”
The overall EP is well crafted, relevant, and brilliantly touches on subjects that we discuss in private quarters. Monogem is a gem of an artist that you need to place on your radar!
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